However, even the best of witchers may need an alchemical helping hand from time to time. A concept which I’m sure we’re all familiar with after downing countless bottles of Swallow throughout our time in the Continent. This is where decoctions step in, as they provide a number of buffs that enhance Geralt’s abilities significantly. They can last 30 minutes, though the downside is that they typically increase your toxicity by 70 – as such, be sure to invest skill points in your Alchemy skill tree into perks that increase maximum Toxicity. Especially if you plan on using several decoctions. But which ones should you be using? I’ll break down the best decoctions in the game right here. Though their usefulness can vary depending on how you choose to build your witcher, every single one of these decoctions has the potential to turn your monster hunter into a monster himself.

15. Noonwraith Decoction

Description: Significantly reduces effects of Knockdown, Hypnosis, Stun and Blindness effects Being hypnotised, stunned, blinded, or knocked down while trying to defeat an enemy might be one of the most irritating aspects of Witcher 3 combat. However, you needn’t fear difficult enemies with this decoction. It’ll make you almost immune to these effects. Recipe location: Obtain from Tomira the Herbalist in White Orchard, or from Kaer Trolde Harbor Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Noonwraith Mutagen 1x Ginatia Petals 1x Ergot Seeds

14. Troll Decoction

Description: Regenerate additional Vitality during and outside of combat If you can even bring yourself to kill and harvest the claws off of one of these lovely creatures (though there are definitely some less-than-loveable ones out there), this decoction is excellent for survivability. Both in and out of combat. You’ll see Vitality Regen +100/s when you’re outside combat, and +20 per second inside combat. Recipe location: Tomira in White Orchard, or by reading World Underground Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Troll Claw 1x Crow’s Eye 1x Honeysuckle

13. Doppler Decoction

Description: Increases critical hit damage when attacking from behind Though getting behind an enemy can be difficult in this game, this decoction is great if you’re going for a crit build and want an extra boost of damage. It’s really pretty basic: you’ll get a 50% increase in critical hit damage. Basic, but powerful. Definitely something worth keeping around. Recipe location: Within the abandoned campsite east of the Cemetery in White Orchard, or within the elven ruins in Byways. Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Doppler Mutagen 1x Han Fibre 1x Longrube

12. Fiend Decoction

Description: Increases the amount of weight the witcher can carry without being overburdened I’m sure we all know how much a chore being over-encumbered is… and sometimes the items we’re holding are too valuable to throw away. This problem can be eliminated by this decoction, so you can carry on with your (reasonably paced) adventures. Basically it increases your maximum inventory weight by 20, which can help at certain points of your next playthrough. Recipe location: From the Herbalist you save in Skellige, from a bandit camp northwest of Inn at the Crossroads, or from reading Beasts of the Tukaj Foothills. Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Fiend Mutagen 1x Hellebore Petals 1x Fool’s Parsley Leaves 1x Arenaria

11. Leshen Decoction

Description: A portion of the damage dealt by enemies is reflected back on the attacker If you’re dealing with a difficult enemy that deals brutal amounts of damage, then you may want to give it a taste of its own medicine. Well, some kind of medicine, or at least this decoction. You can also punish your foe further by using Quen – and although you will not take damage, your enemy will still receive all the reflected damage. Win-win! Recipe location: Random Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Leshen Mutagen 1x Moleyarrow 1x Pringrape

10. Water Hag Decoction

Description: Damage dealt is increased when Vitality is at its maximum. Your ears may prick up at the sight of +50% additional damage, and for good reason! With this, you’ll be able to cut and slice your way through the main storyline with ease. However, imagine yourself trying to maintain maximum Vitality while being harassed by several wraiths, and you can start to see the problem. That’s why the Water Hag Decoction is best used in combination with a Vitality-restoring decoction such as Ekimmara or Ekhidna Decoction. Recipe location: Once you clear the Abandoned site near Hangman’s Alley, you can visit the herbalist at the nearby shore Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Water Hag Mutagen 1x Bebercane Fruit

9. Chort Decoction

Description: Complete resistance to the Stagger effect, reduces the Knockdown effect to Stagger If you’ve felt the frustration of being staggered or knocked down, then having to wait for your bumbling oaf of a witcher to get up, this decoction is perfect. Best used against annoyingly hard-hitting enemies, it will allow you to deflect these kinds of blows and make your fight a lot less tedious. Recipe location: In the elven ruins in Byways during the Wandering in the Dark quest Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Chort Mutagen 1x Puffball 1x Cortinarius

8. Wyvern Decoction

Description: Each blow landed on an enemy increases Attack Power until either the fight ends or damage is taken (other than that from potion Toxicity) Though a +1% Attack Power increase per blow may not seem all that impressive compared to other damage buffs, you’ll really start to feel the difference when dishing out swings left and right to a large group of enemies. To avoid losing your Attack Power stack, you can use the Quen sign, which will absorb most damage. Recipe location: The Royal Palace in Vizima Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Wyvern Mutagen 1x Moleyarrow 1x Celandine

7. Ekhidna Decoction

Description: Performing actions that consume Stamina restore Vitality This decoction is already quite effective by itself. Especially if you’re prone to leaning on Sign casting in battle. But pair it with Archgriffin Decoction and you’ll become an absolute tank, dealing agonizingly strong attacks that will heal you a significant amount with each hit. Recipe location: Obtained by reading Journey to the End of the World Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Ekhidna Mutagen 1x Ribleaf 1x Bebercane Fruit

6. Archgriffin Decoction

Description: If any Stamina is available, strong strikes consume all of it and reduce the struck foe’s Vitality by 5% after their normal damage is calculated Archgriffin Decoction offers a solid damage buff. Especially for those who prefer to deal large amounts of damage in a single hit through strong attacks. With this decoction, you’ll rip and tear through your enemies with ease. Recipe location: The camp in Devil’s Pit, or randomly in treasure chests Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Archgriffin Mutagen 1x Ribleaf 1x Blowball

5. Nightwraith Decoction

Description: Geralt’s maximum Vitality is increased with each foe killed. This increase lasts until he meditates or fast travels. This decoction is similar to the Wyvern decoction, so it’s great if you’re up against a large group of foes… except you needn’t worry about getting hit (though take care to not get hit one too many times). If you’re quick enough, you could even use this to farm vitality near a difficult boss fight. Recipe location: You can buy it at the refugee camp in Velen, or you can clear out abandoned sites and visit the herbalists that sometimes spawn nearby. Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Nightwraith Mutagen 1x Mistletoe 1x Sewant Mushrooms

4. Ancient Leshen Decoction

Description: Each Sign cast increases Stamina regeneration for the remainder of the fight If you’re playing a hybrid build that uses both Signs and melee attacks, this decoction is great to keep handy. It’s so easy to run out of Stamina over time. So having it regen quickly is vital, just so you aren’t left defenseless in the middle of a tough fight. Recipe location: In the chest Allgod hid, or in the courtyard exterior of Triss’ first apartment in Novigrad Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Ancient Leshen Mutagen 1x Mandrake Root 1x Ginatia Petals 1x Honeysuckle

3. Ekimmara Decoction

Description: Damage dealt to foes restores Vitality The Ekimmara Decoction may give you a rather basic buff… but that’s where its beauty lies. This decoction can be used with any build and is useful in every situation. Combine this with the Water Hag Decoction and you’ll be practically invincible! Well, for a period. Recipe location: In a chest close to the riverbank south of the Ransacked Village in White Orchard, or in Drahim Castle Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Ekimmara Mutagen 1x White Myrtle Petals 1x Mandrake Root

2. Succubus Decoction

Description: Attack Power grows over the course of a fight until reaching a maximum threshold Let me preface this by saying: if you make this decoction, then you’re probably evil. To craft it, you need to kill at least one of the two succubi in the game, neither of which deserve to be killed (though jealous wives and lovers may beg to differ). However, that isn’t to say that the Succubus Decoction isn’t powerful. It can be used if you’re struggling against even the toughest of bosses, as it can increase your DPS significantly. Specifically you’ll get an increasing attack power of 1% higher every 2 seconds, up to a maximum of 30% higher attack at the 1-minute mark. Recipe location: From the herbalist in Kaer Trole Harbour, or from reading Journey to the End of the World. Recipe:

1x Dwarven Spirit 1x Succubus Mutagen 1x Green Mold 1x Allspice

1. Reliever Decoction

Description: Increases damage dealt and decreases damage taken against wraiths More specifically: – +10% Damage to Wraiths – +15% Resistance to Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning, Monster and Elemental Damage If anyone reading this groans at the thought of having to fight a wraith, know that you are not alone. Their ability to teleport and become incorporeal can make them incredibly irritating to fight. Which makes the Reliever Decoction, well… a relief. This decoction also offers resistance to several different damages, making it incredibly versatile for all enemy types. But by default it breaks down to a 10% extra damage to wraiths, and a 15% resistance to slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, plus monster & elemental damage. Recipe location: In the Mage’s Tower northwest of the Road to Bald Mountain, close to the coast of Fyke Isle. It can also be found at the Guarded Treasure southwest of Ferry Station Recipe:

5x Dwarven Spirit 4x Lesser Red Mutagen 4x Lesser Green Mutagen 4x Lesser Blue Mutagen 1x Essence of Wraith Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 43Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 24Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 14Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 68Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 5Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 46Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 92Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 40Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 20Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 49Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 74Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 42Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 91Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 16Witcher 3  Top 15 Best Decoctions  And How To Make Them    FandomSpot - 99