Luckily, the Wolcen team is hard at work squashing the worst offenders, and it just issued a breakdown of the bugs currently on the fix list. These are the main problems due to be addressed with Wolcen Patch and Patch in the next two weeks:

Act I Boss can sometimes become invulnerable Act III Boss can sometimes freeze (check out our fix to this game-breaking bug) Players can sometimes lose items in their personal chest Players can lose dyes and appearances previously unlocked Some players still can’t enter the Monolith during Fury’s Ascent quest Some offline characters don’t appear on the character selection screen Unwanted behaviors from stackable items, trading, productivity, and magic find in specific situations Players can have their quest progression locked if they join a friend who is further in the progression Players’ animations can be desynchronized in multiplayer Fixing multiple passive skill nodes that don’t work as intended such as: Attrition Strategist Static Transferral Safe from Afar Intravenous Neural Cord Eagerness Mass evasion High Evasion Sparking Dart Blessed Silver Captured Velocity Academic Fieldwork Primordial Insights Faith Leach Plague Bringer Virtuose Stance Upgrades and changes to summoning builds Uniques can be altered Helmet and Boots can have 2 sockets at certain item levels. The Block Efficiency cannot be rolled on shields after level 90 Nerfing skills that deal more damage than expected such as Bleeding Edge (which means our boss killer build will soon be obsolete, so try to finish the campaign with it now!) Genesis unique item can malfunction and lead the game to freeze

Have you been playing Wolcen in its current state, and what bug are you most looking forward to seeing patched out? Sound off in the comments below, and stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Lords Of Mayhem news and guides coming soon.

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