The Dragon’s Trap will be a remake of Wonder Boy III – which was originally released in 1989 for the Sega Master System. The series consists of non linear action-adventure platforming gameplay. Players traverse colorful worlds inhabited by a variety of monsters.

The story features an adventurer who falls victim to a curse from the villain, Meka-Dragon. After being cursed, the unwilling hero becomes a half human and half dragon. In search of a cure, he roams Monster Land and must defeat numerous bosses. Although he’s alone, he’ll posses six unique transformations that will provide him an array of abilities to release his goal.

Lizardcube has also announced that the title is being created with the assistance of Ryuichi Nishizawa. Nishizawa was a key member of the game’s original release.

Dragon’s Trap will also feature hand-drawn visuals, and the soundtrack will be redone with classical instruments.

Fans of action adventure titles and platformers can look forward a release date announcement soon.