The image was posted a day ahead of BlizzCon, the annual convention of Blizzard Entertainment. Along with the release date, it also shows some pre-order bonuses, including an instant Level 100 character boost and early access to the new hero class, Demon Hunter.
The standard edition of the expansion will be priced at $49.99 while digital deluxe edition will cost $69.99. The deluxe edition will include a mount, a pet, and digital content for Diablo 3, and StarCraft 2.
Legion, the sixth expansion pack for WoW, was first announced in August 2015 at Gamescom. The pack will add a new continent, The Broken Isles. Along with the new class and new continent, it will introduce loads of new features. Legion will raise the level cap to 110 and the PvP progression system will also have a much-desired makeover.
The beta for WoW: Legion starts this year and players can register for it here. In other recent news, Blizzard is looking for a new Senior Software Engineer for refurbishing its old games. We may come to know a bit more about Legion as well as other games in BlizzCon, which starts today.
What are your thoughts about Legion? Comment below.