Booker T

A veteran of the sport and WWE Hall of Famer, Booker T’s return to the game should surprise no one. He brings with him over 25 years of wrestling experience, as well as his patented scissor kick.

Colonel Mustafa

Known more commonly as the Iron Sheik, he also made appearances as Colonel Mustafa, a look that was decidedly different. While the latter will be the version you get in the game, you are, regardless, getting a WWE Hall of Famer.


The young diva, who’s become as known for her “Emma Lock” as her dancing (as well as that tune), was a downloadable character in last year’s edition. This year, she comes straight out of the box.

Eva Marie

As of two days ago, the easiest diva to hate, Eva Marie joins WWE 2K16 after being left off of last year’s roster.

General Adnan

Probably known best for his feud with Sgt. Slaughter, General Adnan is a throw-way-back. Good news is you’ll be able to reunite him with Colonel Mustafa (see above), but we’ll have to see if Sgt. Slaughter will join them in the fun.


The rising star, who embraces his Mexico City upbringing with his luchador style, joins the roster after being absent last year. Whether the “King of Flight” reaches great heights is entirely up to you.


The Big Red Monster, defined for years by his mask as well as his monstrous size, returns, which is no surprise to anyone. Given the styles he’s donned since entering the ring in 1997, don’t be surprised if there’s more than one Kane to choose from this year.

Lord Steven Regal

These days known as William Regal, his persona “Lord Steven Regal” was someone you didn’t want to mess with. It’s your chance again to play as a real man’s man.

Sin Cara

The man whose name literally means “without face,” Sin Cara joins fellow luchador Kalisto on the roster, uniting the LuchaDragons in the virtual ring.

Summer Rae

The diva returns. Although her reign with Fandango ended, there’s potential for a rivalry if Lana, who threw a fish in Summer’s face, shows up on the roster.


Coming from a wrestling family, it’s no surprise that Tamina returns to this year’s game. Expect to be able to do more great things with the veteran.

Triple H

13 time world champion. King of Kings.  Need I say more? 

WWE 2K16 has a projected release date of October 27th. The slow roster reveal will continue next week.