This is surprising since nearly every Xbox 360 sold to date has come with a headset; why would the Xbox One not come with a headset also? How are we supposed to yell at those annoying kids on Call of Duty? How are the annoying kids supposed to yell “your mom” at us?

Microsoft anticipated these burning questions and have released this statement:

So it looks like the Kinect, which has already stirred up a lot of controversy with its always listening structure, will be serving as the mic to chat with your friends as well as your Skype webcam.  Perhaps this is a move by Microsoft to force people into trying out the new Kinect or a quick money grab, since it will still sell the headset separately for a price that has not been revealed.

So how do you feel about this? Would you rather have a headset like before or do you think the Kinect solution is fine? Comment Below!